The Sustainable Event Checklist: Top Things You Shouldn’t Overlook

In-person events are coming back to life with a vengeance, but the demand for greater sustainability continues. We are seeing an increasing movement away from plastic bottles and tacky giveaways at fairs. But attendees are looking for even more.

Individuals and organisations alike recognise the need to reduce their environmental impact. When it comes to hosting events, it’s no different.

A sustainable event is one that takes into consideration the environmental, social, and economic impacts of the event and aims to minimise its negative impact while maximising its positive impact.

If you are holding an event in the future, we have prepared a few tips you might consider to help you make it a sustainable one.

1. Choose a Sustainable Venue and suppliers

One of the first things to consider when planning a sustainable event is the venue and your suppliers. Look for companies that has a strong commitment to sustainability and have implemented environmentally friendly practices. Some examples of sustainable venue and suppliers features include:

  • Carbon Footprint measurement.
  • Energy-efficient lighting and heating systems.
  • Water-saving fixtures.
  • Recycling and composting facilities.
  • Use of renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.
  • Locally sourced and organic catering options.
  • Access to public transportation or bike-sharing programs.
  • Measurement of their current achievements and public communication about their sustainability ambitions.

Just by asking venues and suppliers about their sustainability- you are helping them to get better!

2. Minimise Waste

Reducing waste is an important aspect of hosting a sustainable event. You can minimise waste by:

  • Encouraging attendees to bring their own reusable water bottles and coffee cups.
  • Providing recycling and composting facilities.
  • Avoiding single-use plastic products such as straws and utensils.
  • Using digital communication instead of paper-based invitations and programs.
  • Donating leftover food to local charities or composting it.

3. Use Sustainable Materials

Choosing sustainable materials is another key factor in hosting a sustainable event. Consider using environmentally-friendly materials such as:

  • Sustainable Event stands like Eco – KGK Genix.
  • Biodegradable or compostable plates, cups, and utensils made from materials like bamboo or cornstarch.
  • Recycled or FSC-certified paper products.
  • Non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products.
  • Decorations made from natural materials such as flowers or potted plants. See the work of Eco Foundry for examples of what can be done.

4. Reduce Energy Consumption

Reducing energy consumption is an important aspect of hosting a sustainable event. You can minimise energy consumption by:

  • Using energy-efficient lighting and heating systems.
  • Choosing a venue that uses renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.
  • Encouraging attendees to use public transportation or carpool to the event.
  • Turning off equipment and lighting when not in use.
  • Using natural light instead of artificial lighting.

5. Promote Sustainable Transportation

Transportation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, so promoting sustainable transportation options is an important aspect of hosting a sustainable event. Consider:

  • Encouraging attendees to use public transportation or bike-sharing programs.
  • Providing shuttle buses from nearby public transportation hubs.
  • Offering incentives for carpooling, such as preferred parking or discounts on admission.
  • Providing bicycle racks for attendees who ride their bikes to the event.

6. Consider the Social Impact

Sustainability isn’t just about the environment; it’s also about the social impact of your event. Consider:

  • Partnering with local charities or non-profit organisations to support the community.
  • Providing opportunities for attendees to learn about sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
  • Offering fair and equitable employment practices for event staff.
  • Providing accessible access for attendees with disabilities.

7. Measure and Report

Finally, it’s important to measure the impact of your sustainable event and report on your successes and areas for improvement. Consider:

  • Measure your Carbon footprint of the event with a tool like the CO2 calculator from myclimate.
  • Collecting data on energy and water consumption, waste reduction, and transportation options.
  • Analysing the data to identify areas for improvement.
  • Reporting on your sustainability efforts to stakeholders and attendees.
  • Sharing best practices and lessons learned with other event organisers.
  • You can even implement a management system to reflect your commitment: ISO — Sustainable events.

In conclusion, hosting a sustainable event is not only good for the environment, but it’s also good for your organisation’s reputation and bottom line.

Get in touch with us, for more support to make your event and business more sustainable at


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